ECRI REPORT ON AZERBAIJAN / ARMENIA (2016) - European Commission against racism and intolerance

Ausführlicher Bericht von EU-Kommission gegen Rassismus und Intoleranz zu hate speech und Hetze gegen Armenier*innen in Aserbaidschan. "Political leaders, educational institutions and media have continued using hate speech against Armenians; an entire generation of Azerbaijanis has now grown up listening to this hateful rhetoric" (Seite 9). Hate Speech im Einzelnen ab Seite 15

Dasselbe für Armenien: keine signifikanten Hassreden gegen Ethnien, Minderheiten und Religionen, (jedoch gegen LGBTQ) "In its 3rd report,19 ECRI noted that in Armenia there was no overt hostility vis-à-vis ethnic minorities or non-nationals, including those who are not ethnic Armenians. It also noted that there was no evidence of anti-Muslim sentiment. During its contact visit to Armenia, ECRI’s delegation met with various organisations representing ethnic minorities, which confirmed that the latter were not targeted by racist hate speech. ECRI’s concerns focus mainly on hate speech experienced by people belonging to the LGBT community or to non-traditional religious groups."